Today marks two years since Oy Oy Oy Gevalt! Jews and Punk was published. I did a one-year anniversary post, and now it’s time to recap everything that’s happened since!
My article with the most reach was “Punk Bands Prove Shofar Isn’t Just for the High Holidays.” I wrote it for JTA (a wire service), and it was picked up by newspapers in the U.S., Canada, and Israel, including The Jerusalem Post and The Times of Israel. I wrote “What Goes into a Punk Rock Cover of the Shema?” for Jewish Voices on Rock. I wrote “Yidcore Year-Round” for Jewish Music Underground, which also cross-posted my Moshiach Oi! and Daniel Kahn & The Painted Bird album reviews. I wrote eight articles for Jewcy: “Mosh Your Tuches Off,” “Get Ready for Shavuot with ‘Torah Hardcore,'” “Mosh Hashanah: A Jewish Punk Playlist for the High Holidays,” “Jewcy Recipes: A Mazel-Tov Cocktail,” “Shabbat Punk Playlist,” “Sid Vicious, Yid Vicious, and Sid Yiddish,” “Purim Punk Playlist,” and “A Punk Playlist for Passover.” That’s in addition to sixteen posts for the blog!
I was interviewed for “Punk Jews Scream Out to God ‘From the Depths‘” in The Times of Israel. My book was quoted in “This Jewish Punk Band Existed to Spite Neo-Nazis” in Jewniverse.
Last month I gave a presentation at the Jewish Museum of Maryland in Baltimore, and Moshiach Oi! front man Yishai Romanoff performed a solo acoustic set under the stage name Na Nach Oi! This led to great coverage (“Moshing at the Museum: An Afternoon about Jewish Punk Rockers“) in the Baltimore Jewish Times. I also gave a presentation at the synagogue I grew up going to and was introduced by the rabbi who was at my bar mitzvah.
The biggest event involving a band from the book was my wedding! Golem did a spectacular job as the wedding band. Click here to read about highlights and see photos.
It’s been a great second year, and I have plenty more on the way. There’ll be multiple exciting announcements in the months ahead.
Photo 1 by Eileen Croland. Photo 2 by Christopher Duggan Photography. Photo 3 by Tamara Croland.
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