Monthly Archives:

January 2019

3 Readings! 3 Boroughs! 3 Band T-Shirts!

Punk Rock Hora: Adventures in Jew-Punk Land officially came out this past week, and in the past month, I’ve done three readings in three NYC boroughs—while wearing three different band T-shirts! January 6: Word Up Community Bookshop (Washington Heights, Manhattan) I focused on punk rock hora stories from Punk Rock Hora. I read between-chapter interludes about Yidcore, Schmekel, Golem, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Damn Dirty Commies, and Gefilte F*ck and excerpts from Chapter 1 about Yidcore and Golem. The headliner was…

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2016–2018 Articles That Aren’t in Punk Rock Hora

The second half of Punk Rock Hora includes many articles I’ve published since Oy Oy Oy Gevalt! Jews and Punk came out in 2016. But I couldn’t include everything in Punk Rock Hora. Some articles would have been redundant, others weren’t the right fit, and one just came out yesterday! Here are all my 2016–2018 articles about Jewish punk that were published somewhere other than the blog but didn’t make the cut for Punk Rock Hora. Think of them as bonus content for Punk Rock Hora—or the first…

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